Monday, March 22, 2010

Chris Evans is Captain America

The news has been made official. Chris Evans will play Captain America for The First Avenger: Captain America, The Avengers, and the other Marvel movies beyond. This does not worry me because I think that he is a good pick for Captain America. The other frontrunners did not really stand out to me, I was not really impressed with anyone, not even Chris Evans. He is a safe pick. With his previous superhero experience, his working relationship with Marvel, and his "everyman" looks he is a safe pick. He should do fine. He's the kind of selection that does not have fans going crazy in a good or a bad way.
This definitely makes me want to check out what Chris Evans has done. Yes, even watching Fantastic Four again... okay maybe not Fantastic Four. But I do want to see Sunshine. Directed by Danny Boyle the story is about a team of astronauts that have to re-ignite a failing sun. It sounds interesting and Evans has an interesting role in it. I'm sure once I see some more of his work I will have a better idea of his true potential as the Cap.
Now that the lead has been settled it's on to more rumor news. There are some minor characters that are still undecided. One is Betsy Ross. Betsy Ross serves in a military capacity and with the FBI during World War II and she also develops a romantic relationship with Steve Rodgers before he becomes Captain America. This could be a pretty prominent role in the movie. The rumored actress for the part is Kiera Knightley. I do not like Kiera Knightley in anything after the turn of the century. She might have potential, but she hasn't been impressive in any action roles so far. Who knows, she could take full 360 from her terrible performance in the last Pirates movie and really shine. That is if she gets the part.
Another character with casting rumors is Peggy Carter. Peggy Carter is a young, American woman who joins the French Resistance to fight the Nazis. She has a romantic relationship with Captain America. There are two candidates that have been rumored for this part; one is Emily Blunt and the other is Alice Eve. Alice Eve is most recognizable from her most recent work as the lead in She's Out of My League. I would be rather adverse to her getting the part. Emily Blunt is a different story.
I really like Emily Blunt. I think she would be great for this part. She did a great job in Sunshine Cleaning, The Young Victoria, and in The Wolfman. Her having been in The Wolfman gives her an edge over Eve, because it establishes a working relationship with director Joe Johnston. She can be very fierce, but she does have that indie-girl look and that is hard to get rid of. However, I think that in the end it would help the movie loads to have Emily Blunt in the cast.

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