Sunday, October 25, 2009

First Post

There will not be much to this first post. I have very little to write about at the moment. I am a huge fan of movies and I love to write and talk about them. A need to do this regularly is my motivation for starting this blog.

My posting will consist of many areas of movie news, film reviews, and the study of cinema. Including, personal reactions to movie news, rumors, and developments in the industry. I will also review and critique recent movies or past movies that I enjoy. Occasionally, I will write on film history; the careers of actors and directors, trends in moviemaking, and anything movie related that I want to write about.

Some quick movie news:

There are rumors of potential remake of The Third Man by way of Devin Faraci of CHUD says an official announcement may be around the corner. The big news in this rumor is that Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Macguire may have starring roles in the project. While I am appalled by most possible remakes (Red Dawn) for some reason this project is intriguing. The Third Man is a fantastic film. A classic film that showcased the brilliant acting skills of Orson Welles and Joseph Cotten.
For classic film fans, this movie will never die. For the general audience, it is dead. While I believe the original film is a unique and very hard to repeat, the core of this story has potential for a modern adaptation. A modern setting for intrigue and government conspiracy could have just enough controversy to make is watchable.
Also, Leonardo Dicaprio and Tobey Macguire could be very good for this project. These two actors are obviously known for popular roles, but are starting to flex some serious dramatic acting with upcoming films; Dicaprio in Shutter Island and Macguire in Brothers. If they want to pump up their filmography then there would be nothing better than a remake of The Third Man.

Ultimately, this remake will probably not be made. Even if it did, whomever took hold of the project would most likely make the setting too bright and shiny, without enough of the old-fashioned grim and grit. There would probably be explosions and flash. With all the action happening on screen and none of the undertones or shadowed events like the original.

Original CHUD article

The Third Man - original trailer

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